Sustainable Sourcing • Local Business

We work hard to find locally and regionally sourced foods because we believe it makes our food not only more sustainable, but makes it interesting and great tasting. Counter Culture has found awesome partnerships with regional producers.

Walking the Talk

Counter Culture has been focused on locally sourced foods and other sustainable practices from the beginning.
Steve Hertzfeld, co-owner

The best way to tell our story is to tell you about our best selling menu items. We have excellent vegetarian options, (including our veggie burger made with oyster mushrooms grown by Terra Farma in Grand Junction), but I’ll tell you about our “CC Burger”. Our house-made brioche buns are  made with a blend of organic bread flour and Colorado-grown whole wheat flour, milled locally by Blue Grouse Bread in Norwood. We grind our own beef from trimmings sourced from Kinikin Butchers and Processing in Montrose. Kinikin delivers locally raised beef to Counter Culture and other local restaurants once a week. This reduces packaging and transportation for everyone. Transportation is huge.

We use Farm Runners from Hotchkiss and the Norwood Fresh Food Hub to access local foods, and Rooted Gypsy Farms in Grand Junction has been a huge help in connecting us with local producers as well, and they supply greens for us year-round. We use Rockin’ W cheese from Olathe, Colorado grown bacon, and local eggs and milk. The quinoa in our “Vegetarian Grain Bowl'' and the potatoes for our “Hammer Fries'' come from the San Luis Valley, and the spelt in the grain bowl comes from Mancos. We even make our own in-house pickles.

We have greatly reduced our waste generation by composting our service bowls and kitchen scraps with Dirty Sturdy’s Mountain Compost. We also have silverware and mugs which we wash and reuse. Our fry oil goes to a biodiesel company in the Montrose area and we just started using Eco Cleaners for our laundry service. Eco Cleaners are just down the street from us in the Society Turn Business Center.

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